His Story

Floyd, the Flamingo

We have made quality of our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

My whole life I’ve been fond of Flamingoes and Flsminho symbolism. When I was a kid I was really drawn to them for their quirkiness & flamboiancy. I was fascinated with the way they stood on one leg and how they walked with such skinny, peg legs, but how somehow they also looked elegant in their stride & they stunningly beautiful with their vibrant coloured feathers. ‘Wonderfully odd’ creatures I had concluded. I have fond memories of seeing them in Las Vegas & in Florida and they remind me of family vacations & fun. Their symbolism & energy as a child represented silliness, happiness, excitement & adventure.

Fast forward 20 years and this wonderfully odd creature is back in my life reminding me what it felt like to see the world with that childlike awe & wonder. And how nice it is to feel excited & happy about life. Of course life is a little more complex than it was in 5th grade, so this wonderfully odd creature is reminding me to do these things along with a few other more challenging tasks like staying in balance and harmony, but he reminds me to try and do it with humour and elegance. I still giggle and smile when the awkwardly awesome creature appears. In the past few years, the flamingo has been one of my more prominent signs and definitely one on my favourite. He has pulled me out of some glum moments & enhanced some of my better moments.

The flamingo has appeared in all sorts of fashions from starring in a picture on the wall, the name of a restaurant, a street name, on a glass, on a shirt, on a lawn ornament, on a sign and even in the flesh. I was in a tough situation during the pandemic last year and could have used a flock and in walks a guy wearing a flamingo shirt with a personality larger than life to my rescue. As appears a flamingo feather gathered in Mexico in the luggage rag insert of my travel bag while in Europe. Discovered at a time that I needed a Flamingo nudge from the universe. A bobbly head in which the head sadly broke from the body, but it in fact quite comical just seeing the ling neck & head surface in places. The shape acts as a hook and gets attached to things in hilarious ways at hilarious and much needed times.

I searched and searched for a name for my Blog, had a hard time moving past the tile, and then it dawned on me that my path was consisting of following a nimber signs, but at the time, it was mostly the Flamingo. It’s appearance became confirmation that I was where I needed to be as well as ensured me that it pointed me in the right direction and guided me when I needed to go. The flamingo filled me with excitement, hope & faith. It also provided me with on another much needed thing on my path. It reminded me that it was cool to be different and unique and that it was important to be able to laugh at myself and my quiks..

To me, was something magical about them that even as a

How you feel when you encounter it.

Does the day or experience have a theme?

What is the general meaning of the sign?

How does it apply to me.

Document it. Connect the dots later.

Theyre is a bit of a universal meaning but as you get more experienced, you can make note of where you are, what you are doing & how you are feeling, what you are thinking and have a more tailored meaning.

Pick up a journal. Something with a cool message on the front of the book.

Say hello!

Whether you’re visiting NYC and need tips on buggy-friendly museums, or have a collaboration idea we could work together on, we’d love to hear from you.